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Orgonite: The Vibrational Super Energy against Negative Energies.

The exact combination of each stone and crystal makes us achieve the unique alchemy for the energy needed in our vibration.
Everything is vibration, just connect with the right one.


Each stone and crystal has its own unique energy when combined with Orgonite, this positive energy and power is potentiated in our favor.

Orgonite in crystalline resin.
Natural stones and crystals.
Specific metals.
Size: 6cm x 6cm

Delivery in 15 to 30 business days.
Specify in NOTE the desired orgonite.


What Orgonite and its energy.

Although little publicized, in the 1930s, researcher Wilhem Reich made an incredible discovery.
He found an energy responsible for the vitality of all living beings and for the blue colour of the sky.
As much as this seems too incredible to be true, this is the purest reality and has been proven by many scientists since then.
In his book “The Function of Orgasm”, Dr. Reich exposes the existence of an intangible and vital substance and names it COSMIC ORGONE.
This energy is alive and can be harmonized through a process of absorption and filtering with crystals.
It has been found that if we increase the flow of this energy in humans, many diseases, including the most serious ones, can be cured, in addition to strengthening people's vitality.
Orgonite is a handcrafted device that attracts and concentrates Orgone energy and neutralizes negative energies and vibrations around it.
An Orgonite consists of a mass of organic fibreglass with crystals and metals trapped inside.
Metals attract Orgone, resin holds this energy, and Crystals convert negative energies around into positive energies.

Most Common Uses for Orgonite
Leave it under the bed to improve sleep
Accelerate the energetic healing of injuries and other illnesses
Purify and improve the energy of environments
Leave it next to the glass to energize the water we drink
Neutralize harmful radiation from cell phones, televisions and microwaves
Accelerate plant growth
Use in the form of pendants for personal protection and purification

Orgonite: The Vibrational Super Energy against Negative Energies.

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