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Pendant of Joy and Harmony.

Stones used: Amethyst, Yellow Calcite.
Amethyst: The Crystal of Protection, Spirituality and Healing, is a powerful stone of protection, vitality and spiritual elevation.
Its energies purify the environments, drive away the forces of the shadows and dissipate all negative energies.
Amethyst elevates our intuition, strengthens mediumship and helps to awaken our spiritual powers.
Calcite: The Super Purifier and Amplifier of Energies, it has very positive and beneficial energies.
Its power is so great that the presence of a simple Calcite in the environment is capable of purifying and elevating all the energies and vibrations of the place.
Worn as jewellery or next to our body, Calcite removes stagnant energies, increases our vital energy and helps to develop our psychic abilities.
Its harmonious vibrations reduce anxiety, fight depression and give us deep peace of mind.

Selected natural stones and crystals.
Amethyst and Calcite.
Feng Shui Crystal Pendant, Faceted Polish.
Golden chain.

Delivery 15 to 30 days
Paste the desired pendant in Add Nota.


All stones and crystals are natural and there may be differences in colour and size.

Pendant of Joy and Harmony.

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