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Vibrational Pendulum.


Material: Wood and stone.

Meaning of Pendulum

The Pendulum and Its Functions
It is very important that the operator before starting any operation with the pendulum is fully balanced from the energetic point of view, therefore, he must expand his Chakras before starting work or a study with pendulums.
The pendulums in the operators' hands record some movement patterns, such as perpendicular to the body, parallel to the body, clockwise rotation, counterclockwise rotation, at a 45º angle to the right, at a 45º angle to the left and finally movements in ellipses.


These “forward and backwards” movements constitute the starting point of any work with the pendulum, they are like the “neutral” of the gears of a vehicle, and from these movements the others will start. They can also signify operator balance or lack of operator intervention permission in certain situations.

After starting the pendulum movement with movements perpendicular to the body, if it assumes a pattern of movement parallel to the operator's body, it means that the telepathic channel is open with the person chosen for this type of communication.

After the usual initial movements, you should ask a “perfect” question and if the pendulum rotates clockwise, the answer will be “POSITIVE”.

Again after the usual initial movements with the pendulum, when asking a “perfect” question and if the pendulum rotates counterclockwise the answer will be “NEGATIVE”.

After the pendulum is in the initial position of balance, placing the pendulum at an angle to the left, the perceptions of distance in the physical environment begin, making it possible to be connected with an incarnate person anywhere on the planet.

After placing the pendulum in the initial position of balance, placing the pendulum at an angle to the right, perceptions in the spiritual environment begin, making it possible to connect disembodied beings who are living in this plane, in the intermediate plane and in the superior plane.

Elliptical shapes in pendulum movements, in traditional Radiesthesia it is common to say that elliptical or irregular movements are operator imbalances or misshapen movements; in our research, we observed that ellipses in number, shape or intensity are essential in identifying the frequencies of an object, subject, species or people evaluated, it is really the impression of Universal Flow.
We cannot compare the Universal Flow impression with the fingerprint, unlike this one, this identification is eternal and in the process of evolution.
These ellipses also identify the flows that cause problems and illnesses, as well as their counterpoint, that is, the Flows of neutralization and recomposition of life.
The use of ellipses is leading to a greater perception of the Radiesthetic to attend to the different cases of disorders of all kinds and referrals for the cure or minimization of the disease or even the understanding of the existing degeneration process.
Through the ELLIPSES it is possible to check the FREQUENCY of each person and their CHARACTERISTICS according to their evolutionary degree.
We must be clear that nothing is magical and the limits of each action must be identified, that is, many diseases are part of a bigger plan, many diseases bring healing to the affected person or those who are related to him, and nothing is by chance, much must be evaluated and perceived.


100% natural material with recycled wood.
100% natural stone.
Sturdy cotton yarn.


All wood used is found in the forest, not even a tree is cut down for the making of the pendulum, made by the Artist and Shamanic, Eoin Hayes, manually and respecting the great Mother Gaia.

Vibrational Pendulum.

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